
dirty_cat.fuzzy_join(left, right, how='left', left_on=None, right_on=None, on=None, numerical_match='number', encoder=None, analyzer='char_wb', ngram_range=(2, 4), return_score=False, match_score=0, drop_unmatched=False, sort=False, suffixes=('_x', '_y'))[source]

Join two tables with categorical columns based on approximate matching of morphological similarity.

The principle is as follows:

  1. We embed and transform the key string columns using HashingVectorizer and TfifdTransformer,

  2. For each category, we use the nearest neighbor method to find its closest neighbor and establish a match,

  3. We match the tables using the previous information.

Categories from the two tables that share many sub-strings (n-grams) have greater probability of being matched together. The join is based on morphological similarities between strings.

Joining on numerical columns is also possible based on the Euclidean distance.


A table to merge.


A table used to merge with.

how{‘left’, ‘right’}, default=’left’

Type of merge to be performed. Note that unlike pandas.merge(), only “left” and “right” are supported so far, as the fuzzy-join comes with its own mechanism to resolve lack of correspondence between left and right tables.

left_onstr or list of str, optional

Name of left table column(s) to join.

right_onstr or list of str, optional

Name of right table key column(s) to join with left table key column(s).

onstr or list of str or int, optional

Name of common left and right table join key columns. Must be found in both DataFrames. Use only if left_on and right_on parameters are not specified.

numerical_match{string, number}, default=’string’

For numerical columns, match using the Euclidean distance (“number”). If “string”, uses the default n-gram string similarity on the string representation.

encodervectorizer instance, optional

Encoder parameter for the Vectorizer. By default, uses a HashingVectorizer. It is possible to pass a vectorizer instance inheriting _VectorizerMixin to tweak the parameters of the encoder.

analyzer{‘word’, ‘char’, ‘char_wb’}, default=’char_wb’

Analyzer parameter for the HashingVectorizer passed to the encoder and used for the string similarities. Describes whether the matrix V to factorize should be made of word counts or character n-gram counts. Option char_wb creates character n-grams only from text inside word boundaries; n-grams at the edges of words are padded with space.

ngram_range2-tuple of int, default=(2, 4)

The lower and upper boundaries of the range of n-values for different n-grams used in the string similarity. All values of n such that min_n <= n <= max_n will be used.

return_scorebool, default=True

Whether to return matching score based on the distance between the nearest matched categories.

match_scorefloat, default=0.0

Distance score between the closest matches that will be accepted. In a [0, 1] interval. 1 means that only a perfect match will be accepted, and zero means that the closest match will be accepted, no matter how distant. For numerical joins, this defines the maximum Euclidean distance between the matches.

drop_unmatchedbool, default=False

Remove categories for which a match was not found in the two tables.

sortbool, default=False

Sort the join keys lexicographically in the resulting DataFrame. If False, the order of the join keys depends on the join type (how keyword).

suffixes2-tuple of str, default=(‘_x’, ‘_y’)

A list of strings indicating the suffix to add when overlaping column names.


The joined table returned as a DataFrame. If return_score=True, another column will be added to the DataFrame containing the matching scores.

See also


Transformer to enrich a given table via one or more fuzzy joins to external resources.


For regular joins, the output of fuzzy_join is identical to pandas.merge(), except that both key columns are returned.

Joining on indexes and multiple columns is not supported.

When return_score=True, the returned DataFrame gives the distances between the closest matches in a [0, 1] interval. 0 corresponds to no matching n-grams, while 1 is a perfect match.

When we use match_score=0, the function will be forced to impute the nearest match (of the left table category) across all possible matching options in the right table column.

When the neighbors are distant, we may use the match_score parameter with a value bigger than 0 to define the minimal level of matching score tolerated. If it is not reached, matches will be considered as not found and NaN values will be imputed.


>>> df1 = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['ana', 'lala', 'nana'], 'b': [1, 2, 3]})
>>> df2 = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['anna', 'lala', 'ana', 'nnana'], 'c': [5, 6, 7, 8]})
>>> df1
    a  b
0   ana  1
1  lala  2
2  nana  3
>>> df2
    a    c
0  anna  5
1  lala  6
2  ana   7
3  nnana 8

To do a simple join based on the nearest match:

>>> fuzzy_join(df1, df2, on='a')
    a_x  b   a_y    c
0   ana  1   ana    7
1  lala  2  lala    6
2  nana  3  nnana   8

When we want to accept only a certain match precision, we can use the match_score argument:

>>> fuzzy_join(df1, df2, on='a', match_score=1, return_score=True)
    a_x  b   a_y    c  matching_score
0   ana  1   ana  7.0  1.000000
1  lala  2  lala  6.0  1.000000
2  nana  3   NaN  NaN  0.532717

As expected, the category “nana” has no exact match (match_score=1).

Examples using dirty_cat.fuzzy_join